Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Those Little Things That Makes Life Easier

Let's all admit it, we like our creature comforts. No, I'm not refferring to cable television or the Ipod. I'm refferring to the simple machines that allow us to be just a little bit more lazier than needed. There are several different types of simple machines, that are the basis of just about everything we use. Nevermind, my rambling, read on...
Here is an example of a wheel and an axle. Without it we would have to actually walk. Imagine!!!

Here's an example of an inclined plan, it keeps the wind and bugs out of my face. Could you imagine getting bugs in your teeth or actually being exposed to the elements? To think the pioneers actually did that.

A lever! Who would've ever thought of this as a simple machine? It sure does make your life easier, just think if  you didn't have one. You'd be on your hand and knees scooping dirt into your hands. Ick!

The Elizabethan Era didn't know what thye were missing with Venetian Blinds. It would've made the peeping toms work just that much harder. Anyway, this is a perfect example of a pulley system.

Thank goodness for the screw like jar. It keeps my pickled green beans fresh.

As you can see from the examples shown, I'm living the high life. I couldn't imagine not having my simple machines hiding around everywhere. Next time you are using an object in your house try and figure out what kind of simple machine could be incorporated in it.

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